I got a request from Mr. Paul Bagosy to plug his contest on this here blog. It's a painting contest with a twist from the For Holy Terra blog, scroll down for more details but also make sore to visit the blog to get all the additional details. As a sidenote, you don't need to have a blog to participate in the contest.
Read the full story...Fact or Fiction: Lion El'Johnson
So i finally managed to find a day that i am not working 15 hour shifts and getting under paid , and can write up one of my favorite if not THE favorite characters of the 40k universe.
Ladies and gentlemen i present to you, the one and only: Lionel El'Johnson , Primarch to the 1st Legion of the Emperors finest Astartes!
Bad Journalism
Edit: If you scroll down to the bottom of the page I have included a full English translation of the text for all you Greek challenged out there. I think the article somewhat lost it's very sarcastic tone over the translation but that's not a big deal I guess.
Initially, I didn't know how to feel, seeing my face printed in a huge two page spread photograph in one very famous Sunday edition Greek newspaper ("Καθημερινή K magazine" issue 443 printed on 27/11/2011) . Since I was with my gaming buddies at the time when I saw this, everybody was making jest and japes at how I got another shot to fame.
Initially, I didn't know how to feel, seeing my face printed in a huge two page spread photograph in one very famous Sunday edition Greek newspaper ("Καθημερινή K magazine" issue 443 printed on 27/11/2011) . Since I was with my gaming buddies at the time when I saw this, everybody was making jest and japes at how I got another shot to fame.
After reading the article however I wish I wasn't even near that place when they were taking the pictures. I guess I could be angry at the fact that they took my mug shot without me even knowing (doesn't help that I kinda look like a drooling idiot) but that's not the point. I am mad because the article presents Warhammer 40K and gamers in general in the worst way possible.
Read the full story...Another Orcs & Goblins list
I send my newest O&G list to warhammeister-extraordinaire Mr. Νικηφόρος for a review. Please check it out and chime in with your own ideas. Cheers!
Cryptek with Eldritch Lance Ideas
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Photoshop job by Leah Kim |
However these guys are expensive to buy. Four of them will set you back almost 40 pounds and that's a lot of money for a few models. I think that the best way to kitbash them is from the Immortal kit. Just use the Deathmark head and a combination of the two spines. The little "hat" can be made very easily with a little plastic card (same with his "skirt") and the arms look like they can be repositioned very easily with a bit of chopping. Then used a plastic rod and the Dark Lance as the example above. I think I will give it a go?
So what ideas do you guys have for cheaper Crypteks? You think that convertion will work? Let me know what you think.
Orcs and Goblins Mangler Squig
Looks like my prayers have been answered. Pictures of the Mangler Squig have appeared in the forums today. I have designed a new list that is going to feature two Mangler Squigs since I think it's a very potent unit. I can convert one using Gobbla and the Night Goblin Warboss on Great Cave Squig (since I never, ever use them) but the second one would be a problem. Now with the new awesome kit I will be able to field two.A bit on the expensive side I am afraid (something like 50 euros) but since this is the last O&G model I will ever have to buy I am going to go for it.
Doubles tournament FS Victoria 05/11/11 report
Yet another tournament for me this month. This time it was Doubles, so slightly different though. Check here to see the conditions for building the list since it was identical to the one I recently won. This time I would be playing together with my friend Manos. He has an awesome collection of Tyranids (complete with a Hierophant Bio-Titan and more than a dozen Monstrous Creatures) but he was never big on playing 40K. We have recently started some practice games though and I thought a Doubles tournament with a more experienced player (me!) would be an ideal introduction to tournaments.
Read the full story...
What Does Your Army Say About You?
I was walking to my local net cafe today , thinking about the short story of Dark Angels i read in the Imperial Armor 5 book, siege of Vraks. When it struck me that, the army that i play and love (Dark Angels) actualy in a way represents me. So i found some time to make a compilation of what each army may say about its owner, from a fluff point of view!
Stupid Spammers
Seriously, what the heck is going on here? Only four hits from the legit Google and more than a hundread from these jokers? Why are they doing this to me? They make any money from this? Please, could anyone that knows about SEO or something explain it to me? It's not a big deal, I know, it just makes me feel so...dirty...