So then, as most of you know, the Dark Angels have always been either too loyal or too disloayal! Unlike most other chapters out there who had some loyalists and some traitors thoughout the years, the Dark Angels were splintered during the great Horus Heresy. And since that day almost no other Dark Angel has fallen to Chaos due to the vigorous watch of the Interrogator-Chaplains. Where as those who turned from the Emperor and / or the Lion has never come back (save perhaps for the mysterious Cypher).
BatRep: Chaos Reigns Supreme
So then, as most of you know, the Dark Angels have always been either too loyal or too disloayal! Unlike most other chapters out there who had some loyalists and some traitors thoughout the years, the Dark Angels were splintered during the great Horus Heresy. And since that day almost no other Dark Angel has fallen to Chaos due to the vigorous watch of the Interrogator-Chaplains. Where as those who turned from the Emperor and / or the Lion has never come back (save perhaps for the mysterious Cypher).
Necron Cryptek conversions
Just another quick update to show you guys what I've been doing this week. So, I needed four Crypteks for my new army list and I didn't want to spend tons of monies for the single pose guy. Looking around on the intrawebs and stealing ideals from other blogs/forums this is what I did.
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Greek 2012 ETC 40K team report
When I read the reports from Eirini (40K ETC team coach) and Yiannis (Captain) I immediately knew that I had to post them on my blog. It's becoming sort of a tradition anyway, with Leonidas posting his extensive battle reports last year. Check their ETC experience in their own words after the jump. Enjoy!
Necron Tesla Destructors and Invasion Beams painted
Just a quick update to show you guys what I've been painting this week. Apparently there isn't a single can of GW chaos black spray left in Greece so I couldn't do any progress on the Night Scythes. At least I had enough colour to undercoat these bad boys and do some work. I did everything together to save some times so now they have to wait patiently until I paint the rest of the vehicles. Oh, and I finally found a use for toothpicks!
Orks in 6th: Elites
Orks have some cool choices for Elites (and some not so good). Thankfully, with a bit of FOC manipulation (Warboss making Nobz troops) it open ups a few slots. Up until now the obvious choice has been the Lootas since it's the only long range anti-tank shooting orks get. If not very reliable it still got the job done. Let's see if this has changed in 6th or as people say, the more things change the more the stay the same.
The mandatory "New Chaos Codex First Impressions" post!
Being the hip and trendy gamer that I am (I wonder if such a person ever existed) I am obliged to write something about the new Chaos codex. I guess there is at least one person out there who wants to hear my opinion so I'll just go ahead anyway. Going to keep this very brief at least. Our resident chaosmonger Tzif can delve into more details in the following weeks.
Let me start this with a mini rant. I really liked the chaos models from Dark Vengeance. The marines, the cultists, even the Helbrute are all awesome. So I had very high expectations for the new models coming out with the chaos release. Unfortunately I was very disappointed with that I saw. Not many new kits to begin with and what's coming out doesn't look that good in my opinion. The Heldrake seems out of place with the rest of the range and also looks kinda kitsch, the plastic Raptors are very poor compared with the Chosen models from Dark Vengeance and the Fiends are just meh. Only the resin characters are cool but then again nothing really special . Oh, and Mutilators are some of the worst models GW released in the last few years to my memory.
Unto the book itself. One word comes into mind while flipping through the pages : Options! Really, there are so many options for almost every entry in the FoC, chaos players are going to be spoiled for choice. This offers great customisation and micro managing for competitive players but also leaves the fluff bunnies to represents any chaos band they fancy with their models.
Another thing that comes to mind is that there are too many damn rules. Loads of unique wargear that players will have to know by heart and also the Chaos Boon table is massive. It has literally twenty nine different outcomes that players will have to note down each time their champions kill another character in a challenge. This can get messy very quickly, with players forgetting which champion got what boon etc. On top of all that there is another table with Warlord traits, new psychic powers plus many more special rules. So yeah, thats a lot of new rules. Thankfully they are all neatly summarised in the last few pages of the codex so people won't have to look around all the time in order to find them.
I want to talk about units a little bit. I might be 100% wrong here but these are my initial thoughts. There's been a universal point drop all over the codex but this was expected as it's the trend with all recent codexes. Cheaper units mean more sales too!
Chaos lords are close combat monsters as always. I would dare even more now, a single lord could easily wipe out a MEQ unit if the has enough upgrades on him. Horde units are very viable now, with Cultists of course but even with unupgraded Chaos Marines.
Most vehicles are still unimpressive though. I was dissapointed with Heldrake rules wise as well, only one weapon at BS3 and a weak swooping attack. Both Fiend variants are good enough but they have big competition for the Heavy Support slots.
Overall it gives me the impression that the new codex is a very good upgrade of the old one. Similar structure and unit but with many cool new rules, many more options and customisation and generally more fun. I think people will like it. Competitive wise I am still not sure how good it's going to be but it's certainly an improvement over the previous edition.
What are your thoughts then? Let me know, especially if you already found any nasty combos/tricks to share. Thanks for reading!
Terrain : Making tank traps from scratch
This tutorial is by my good friend Panagiotis. I asked permission to publish it in my blog and he gladly accepted (like he could do otherwise!). It's a very cheap, easy, fast and effective way to make tank traps and spice up your battleboard. Check it out after the jump!
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Necron Night Scythe WIP
Hey guys!
Just a quick post today to let you know I am still alive and well.
Haven't done much 40k-wise these last couples of months but tournament season is upon us so I am getting ready for another fall/winter full of gaming.
This season is going to be Necrons for me! My good friend Manos will let me use his models for games/tournamets etc. but I will have to get them painted first.
This is what I've done so far with my first Night Scythe. It's only basecoats and washes so nothing fancy there but I think the end result is pretty decent. I will paint the pilot and guns separately for easiness. In hindsight, the models would have been much much easier to paint if I hadn't glue it together but never mind.